I was born in Moscow in 1931. After leaving a school in 1949 I entered Mech. and Math. Department of Moscow State University and graduated from it in 1954. Later I worked two years as an assistant at the Chair of Math. in Moscow Forest-Technical Institute.In 1956 I passed to Mech. and Math. Department of Moscow State University to the Chair of Functional Theory and Functional Analysis..There I have held, in succession, offices of a junior, a major, a leading scientific collaborator and finally a professor.
I was giving lectures on the mathematical physics, functional analysis and complex analysis, leading seminars for students and aspirants and their scientific activities. Among my students twenty ones have taken a degree of Candidate of Science.
At present I work in the Institute of the Problems of Transmission of Information of Russian Acad. of Science, where I lead Dobrushin Mathematical Labaratory, and continue to teach in Moscow University(as the professor of the Theory Probability Chair) and also give lectures on Phys. and Math. Department of Moscow Independent University.
Before nineties I often came to some Universities inside SU for giving lectures (Tashkent,Erevan,Samarkhand,Kazan,Kiev)then last time I often have been invited in European Universities for scientific collaboration ( France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Czechia, Israel).
In 1958 I have taken a degree of Candidate of Science for my dissertation on continuing of random process to measure; in 1968 I have taken degree of Doctor of Science for dissertation on some mathematical problems concerning statistical physics.
My scientific interests concern the mathematical physics,the functional analysis and the probability theory.My main results pertain to the theory of generalized random fields, the theory of phase transitions, the investigation of spectrum of transfer-matrix of Gibbsian random fields in statistical physics and quantum field theory and also some quantum-mechanical systems, the random walks in random environment.I have published more 120
scientific works and 4 monographs among them (there are translations of them in English).
In 1990 I together with V. Malyshev were honored with the State Premium for the cycle of works about spectrum of systems in statistical physics and quantum field theory.
8 Okt. 2001 R.Minlos
( R. Minlos )
The Monographies
1. The representation of rotation Moscow 1958,the monograph, together
group and Lorenz group. with I.M. Gelfand and S.Ya. Shapiro,
russian. There is english transl.
2.The Gibbsian random fields. Moscow 1985,the monograph, together
with V.A. Malyshev,russian. English
transl. in Kluwer Publ.1991.
3.The linear operators in infinite- Moscow 1994,the monograph, together
particles systems. with V.A. Malyshev,russian.English
transl. in AMS Publ.1995.
4.Introduction to Mathematical Providence, 1999, AMS
Statistical Physics.
The Papers
4.Zilindr measure and the planar Dokl.Acad.Nauk SSSR,81:5,733,
variation. (1951) , russian.
5.The solution of quantum fields Dokl. Acad.Nauk SSSR,97:2,909
equation. (1954),together with I.M. Gelfand,
6.Continual integrals. Proc.3 Math. Congress, 2 vol.521,
(1956),together I.M. Gelfand and
A.M.Yaglom, russian.
7.The continuation of generalized Dokl.Acad.Nauk SSSR,119:3,439,
random process to measure. (1958), russian.
8.The generalized random process Trudy Mosk.Mat. Ob-va, vol.8,497,
and its continuation to measure. (1959),russian
9.The pointwise interaction of Dokl.Acad.Nauk SSSR,141:6,1335
three particles in the quantum (1961), together with L. Faddeev, mechanics. russian.
10.Note about the pointwise Zhurn.Exp.Teor.Fiz.41:6, 1850,
interaction of three particles
in quantum mechnics. (1961),together with L. Faddeev.
Trudy 4 Mat. S'ezda, v.3 , 285,
11.The functional integration (1964),together with Daletzki,
and measures in functional Krylov, Sudakov, russian.
12.Some mathematical problems Trudy 4 Mat. S'ezda,V.2,552,
of quantum mechanical systems (1964), with F. Berezin,L. Fad-
with large number of particles. deev, russian.
13.On possibility of application In "Limiting theorems of the
of limiting theorems of probability probability theory",Tashkemt,(1965),
theory to some problems of physics. together withR.L.Dobrushin,russian.
14.Exactly solvable model of Zhurn.Exp.Teor.Fiz.,50:3,692.
superconductivity. (1966),russian.
15.New results about phase Trudy Mosk.Mat Ob-va,17,213
transition in lattice systems. (1967),together with Ya.G.Sinai,
16.On thermodynamical limit for Trudy Mosk.Mat. Ob-va.,17,245,
entropy. (1967),together with A.Ya.Povzner,
17.The limiting Gibbs' distribu- Funct.Analys i ego primenenia. 1:1,
tion. 60(1967),russian.
18.The regularity of the limiting Funct.Analys i ego primenenia.1:3,
Gibbs' distribution. 40 (1967),russian.
19.The phenomenon of separation Mat.Sbornik,73:3,375(1967),with
of phases in some lattice models.I Ya. G.Sinai,russian.
20.The exictence and the continuity Teor.veroyat.i prilozh.,12:4,595
of the pressure in classical statis- (1967),together with R.L.Dobrushin,
tical physics . russian.
21.The phenomenon of separation of Trudy Mosk. Mat.Ob-va,19,113,
phases in some lattice models. II (1968),together with Ya.G.Sinai,
22.The phenomenon of separation of Dokl.Acad.Nauk SSSR,175:3,329,
phases by low temperature in some (1968),together with Ya.G.Sinai,
lattice models. russian.
23.The index of defect of symmet- Matematika,2 , 6 (1968) ,with
rical Jacobian matrices. I.Bernadsky , russian .
24.The lectures on statistical Usp.Mat.Nauk 23:1 , 153 (1968),
physics. russian.
25.Investigation of spectrum of Teor.Mat.Phys. 12;2,227 (1970),
stochastical operators in some together with Ya.Sinai, russian.
lattice models.
26.Exact solution of BKS-model. ibid., 12:2,230, together with
I.Bernadsky, russian.
27.An investigation of spectrum Trud.I Sov.-Jap.Symp., 75 (1970),
of stochastical operators in together with Ya.Sinai , russian.
lattice gas model.
28.Two-dimensional limit theorem Izv.Acad.Nauk SSSR, 34:1175, (1970),
for number of particles and energy. together with A.Halfina, russian.
29.Note on character of decay of Preprint MGU,N 22 (1971),together
correlatios in thermodynamical with Ya.Sinai,russian.
30.Review of results on statistical Moscow,"Mir",1971,314,together with
physics.The addition to the transla- R.Dobrushin,Yu.Suchov,russian.
tion of Ruell's "Statistical mechanics".
31.The limiting equivalence of ther- Funct.Analys & Prim.6;4,93(1972),
modynamical ensembles for one-dimen- together with A.Khaitov,russian.
sional systems.
32.The construction of one- dimensi- Funct.Analys & Prim.7:4,81 (1973),
onal quantum field by continuos Mar- together with R.Dobrushin.
kov field.
33.The limiting equivalence of ther- Trudy Mosk.Mat.Ob-va.,32,147,
modynamical ensembles. (1975),together with A.Khaitov,
34.Factor-measure on measurable ibid.,32,77 (1975),together with
spaces R.Dobrushin,russian.
35.The theory of Markov random Proc.12 Winter School on
fields and its applications to theor.phys. in Karpach,23 (1975),
quantum field theory. together with R.Dobrushin.
36.The uniqueness of limiting Teor.Mat.Phys.,24:1,100 (1975),
Gibbs' distribution in one-dimen- together with S.Natapov, russian.
sional classical systems.
37.An investigation of properties In: "The problems of Mech.and
of Gaussian random generalized Math.Phys.",Nauka,p.117 (1976),
fields. together with R.Dobrushin,russian.
38.The polynoms of the linear Uspechi Mat. Nauk 32:2,67 (1977),
random functions. together with R.Dobrushin, russian.
39.The estimates of Ursell's Teor.Mat.Phys. 31:2,199 (1977),
functions,cluster functions and together with S.Pogosian.
their derivations.
40.Clustering estimates for Gibb- In:"Multicomponenet random systems"
sian random fields and some appli- Nauka,p.5 (1978), together with
cations. F.Abdulla-Zadeh,S.Pogosian, russian.
41.The study of spectrum of sto- Uspechi Mat.Nauk 33:2,230 (1978),
chastcal operators for Gibbsian together with V.Malyshev, russian.
random fields.
42.On bound states of cluster Teor.Mat.Phys.39:1,85 (1979),
operator. together with S.Lakaev, russian.
43.Invariant spaces of cluster J.Stat.Phys.,21,231,(1979),together
operators.I with V.Malyshev.
44.The polynoms of generalized Teor.Verojat.& Prim.23:4,715 (1978)
random field and their moments. together with R.Dobrushin,russian.
45.One-particle subspaces of the Tr.5 Mezhd.Symp.Teor.Inform.13,(1979),
transfer-matix of random field. together with
46.The probability approach to ibid.,18 (1979), together with
study of spectrum of many-particles V.Malyshev,russian.
47.Second Kazan school on noncom- Uspechi Mat.Nauk 34,242 (1979),
mute probability theory. together with Begovatov and
Sherstnev, russian.
48.Some results and problems in Collog.Math.Soc.Jakos Bolaj Random
the study of infinite-particles fields,715 (1979), together with
Hamiltonian. V.Malyshev.
49.Cluster estimates of Gibbsian In:"Multicomponent random systems",
random fields and some applications. Marcel Dukker,N.Y.-Bazel (1980)
1,together with F.Abdulla-Zadeh,
50.F.A.Berezin(obituary) Uspechi Mat.Nauk,56,185 (1981),
together with
51.Invariant spaces of cluster Comm.Math.Phys.89,211 (1981)
operators.II together with V.Malyshev.
52.Multiplicativ and additiv Phys.Lett. 86:A,8,405 (1981)
cluster operators for evoluti- together with V.Malyshev.
on of quantum spin systems.
53.An investigation of proper- Sel.Mat.Sov. 1:5,215 (1981)
ties of generalized Gaussian ran- together with R.Dobrushin.
dom fields.
54.The genertalized contour models. In " Itogi nauki" VINITI, 19,5(1982)
together with V. Malyshev,E.Petrova,
55.Cluster operators. Tr.Semin.Petrovs. 9,63 (1983)
together with V.Malyshev,russian.
56.Tensor Gaussian random fields Vestnik MGU 1,14 (1983) together
satysfying Nelson's axioms. with Ch.Eshkaraev,russian.
57.The spectrum of many-particles Tr.4 Mezhd.Symp.Inf.Teor. 144 (1984)
systems. together with A.Mogilner,russian.
58.The spectrum of three particles Teor.Mat.Phys. 58:3,323 (1984),
cluster operator. together with Sh.Mamatov,russian.
59.The absence of one-particle Tr.4 Mezhd.Symp.Inf.Teor.128
subspaces in spectrum of transfer- (1984), together with
matrix of contour model. V.Malyshev,P.Khrapov.russian.
60.The cluster properties and Teor.Mat.Phys.,61:5,460 (1984),
bound states of transfer-matrix together with P.Khrapov.russian.
of lattice gauge field of Yang-Mills.
61.On the percolation in a finite Vestnik MGU 1,56 (1985) together
strip. with p.Khrapov, russian.
62.Algebra of many-particles opera- In:"Stat.Phys.and dynamical syst."
tors. Birkhausser,1 (1985).
63.Review on the spectral problems In:"Tr.I Sov.-Ital.Symp." ,72,
for infinite particles systems. (1985), together with V.Malyshev.
64.Mathem. problems in statistical Math. Encycl.,v.5,198,(1985) ,
physics. russian.
65.Spectrum analysis and scattering In:"Math.problems of stat. phys.
theory for three-particles cluster and dyn.syst." Reidel Publ.corp.
operator. 139 (1986), together with
66.The theory of cluster operators. In:"Interact.Markov.proc." 5 (1986)
together with V.Malyshev,russian.
67.How our acquentance with E.S.Fra- In:"Quantum field theory and
dkin began and three etudes in honor quantim statistics" vol.1,595 (1987)
of his sixtieth birthday.
68.The spectrum of exited states Tr.2 Schk.Teor.Oper.Fun.Prostr.,10
lattice gauge theory of Yang-Mills. (1987)
69.Spectral expansions of the trans- Math.Phys.Rev.v.7,326 (1988) Ed.Ya.
fer-matrix of Gibbsian fields. Sinai. Harwood Acad. Publ.
70.On the bound states of two weakly Phys.Low Temp.,14:10,1082 (1988)
interacting quasiparticles with stro- together with A.Mogilner,russian .
ngly degenerated law of dispersion.
71.Asymptotic of decay of correlation Teor.Mat.Phys.,77:1,3 (1988), together
for Gibbsian spin fields. with E.Zhizhina,russian.
72.On the bound states of two weakly Sov.J.Iow. Temp.Phys. 14:10 (1988)
interacting quasiparticles with stro- 592, together with A.Mogilner.
ngly degenerated law of dispersion. russian.
73.On pointwise interaction of three Vestnik MGU, 6,7, (1989), together
particles. with M.Shermatov,russian.
74.Some problems concerning spectrum In:"Schroedinger operators standart
of lattice models. and nonstandart".World Scientific
Singappore,245 (1989), together
with A.Mogilner.
75.On point interaction of three Lecture Notes in Phys.324,138
particles. (1989) Springer Verlag.
76.Invariant k-particles subspaces Acta Applicandae Mathematical
of Hamiltonian of ciral lattice 22,55-75 (1991)
77.The bound states of two-particles Teor.Mat.Phys. 79:2,163 (1989)
cluster operator. together with Sh.Mamatov. russian.
78.Asymptotic decay of correlations J.Stat.Phys. 56:5/6, 957 (1989),
in ANNI-model at high temperatures. together with E.Zhizhina.
79.Asymptotic decay of correlations In:"Schrodinger operator stand. and
for Gibbs' spin fields. nonstand." World Scient.Singap.,597
(1989) together with E.Zhizhina.
80.On point interaction of three In:"Manyparticle Hamiltonians:
particles. spectrum and scattering", Amer.Math.
Soc.(1991) 99-112. Ed. R. Minlos.
together with A. Mel'nikov.
81.Meson states in lattice chromo- ibid. 113-138, together with
dynamics. E.Zhizhina.
82.The pointwise interaction of Vestnik MGU,ser.1,1991 N3,3-6
three arbitary particles. together with A.Mel'nikov,russian
83.Barion states in lattice chromo- In:"Ideas and Methods in Quantum
dynamics. and Statistical Physics" Memory of
K.Hoegh-krown,425 Cambrige (1992)
together with E.Zhizina.
84.On lower branch of the spectrum Theor.and Math.Phys. (1992) V.92,
of a fermion interacting with the 2,255, russian.
boson gas(a polaron).
85.Central limit theorems for the In:Advances in Sov.Mathematics,v.20,
random walk of one or two particles "Probability Contributions to
in random environment with mutual Statistical Mechanics" ,
interaction. (ed.R.Dobrushin) AMS(1994) p. 21,
together with C.Boldrighini &
86.Random walk of the particle ibid..p. 77.
interacting with random field.
87.An extension of the Ising ibid.p.1,together with J.Abdullaev.
88.Local limit theorem for ingo- Theory probability and applications,
mogeneuos random walk on the lat- V.39,3,513-529,(1994),together with
tice. E.Zhizhina,russian.
89.Interacting random walk on Annals of Institute of Poincare ,v30
dynamical random environment. n,4,p519-558 together with C.Boldrighini,
I.Decay of correlations(one A.Pellegrinotti. (1994)
90.Interacting random walk on ibid.p559-605 together with
dynamical random environment. C.Boldrighini, A.Pellegrinotti.
II.Field " of particle point of view"
91.Asymptotic decay of correlations Bolletino U.M.I. (7) 10-B together with C.Boldrighini,
for fluctuating environment in pp 277-302, 1996, together - S.Pellegrinotti.
intraction with a two-patricles with C. Boldrighini and
random walk. A. Pellegrinotti
92.Some estimates of the spectrum Journal of Math.Phys. (in press),
of quasiparticle systems. together with A.Mogilner.
93.Central limit theorem for ingo- Potential Analysis ,v.5,N2,pp.139-172
mogeneuos random walks of two parti- 1996, together with E.Zhizhina.
94.Random walk in random environ- In Proseedings of Conference in
ment. Capri May 1993 ,Advances in dynamical
systems and quantum physics.
Editors S.Albeverio,R.Figari,E.Orlandi,
A.Teta. World Scientific, Singapore,
N.J, London, Hong Kong,1995, pp 194-200
95.Limit theorem for ingomogeneous In Proseedings of Spring Semester
random walks. in EMI (S.Petersburg,1993) (in
96.Spectrum transfer-matrices of Algebra and Analisys, v.8, n.2,
Markov field and their asymptotic 1996, (russian), p.142-156
97.The three body problem in radiative Topics in statistical and the
decay. The case of one atom and at theoretical physics.
most two bosons. AMS.ser.2 vol.177 pp
159- 194
Volume of Berezin's Memory. Ed.
A.Vershik, R.Dobrushin, R.Minlos,
M.Shubin,AMS, 1996, together
with H.Spohn.
98.Felix Berezin(short rewiew of ibid.
scientific life)
99.On pointlike interaction of In Proseedings of fall Workshop on
fermions with other particle. Singular interaction (Trieste,1994)
ed.G.Dell-Antonio, 1995
100.A system of three bosons inte- Teor.and Mat. Phys. together with
racting with atom. Yu.Zhukov.(russian),v103,n1,398-411,1995
101.Complete spectral decompositoin Uspechi Mat.Nauk, together with
of generator of Glauber dynamics for A.Trish.(russian),v.49,n6,p206-210,1994
one-dimensional Ising model.
102.An interaction of system of no ibid., together with Yu.Zhukov.
more 3 bosons with atoms. ( russian), v. 50, n.2, 1995, p211-212
103 Asmptotics of decay of correlati- together with E. Zhizhina, Journal of
ons for lattice spin fields at high Stat. Phys. 1996
tepe ratures.1 The Ising model.
104.Almost-sure central limit theorem together with C. Boldrighini, A. Pell
for a Markov model of random walk in egrinotti, Theory of Probability and
dynamical random environment. Related Fields,109,245-373, 1997
105. One-particle subspace in the together with Yu . Kondratiev
stochastic XY model. Journal of Stat. Phys.1997 vol.87
3/4 pp.613-642
106.Invariant subspaces of high Markov Processes and Related Topics.
temperature Ising stochastic dynamics. v.2, n.2, 1996, p263-284
107. Limiting diffusion process for Uspechi Mat. Nauk (russian),1997,v.52
inhomogenious random walk on one- 2, pp.87-100, together with E.Zhizhina
dimensional lattice.
108 Memory of Roland Dobrushin Problems for Information Transmission
(scentific biografy) (russian, together with several authors), N3, 1996, 3-24
109 Almost-sure central limit Communications in Math. Phys. 189,
theorem for directed polymers 533-557, 1997, together with C.Bol-
and random corrections drighini and A.Pellegrinotti
110 Small mass behavior of Journal of Stat. Phys.v.92,n5/6,pp
quantum Gibbs states for latt- 1153-1172 ,1998 together with S.Al-
ce models with unbounded spin beverio, Yu.G Kondratiev, A.Rebenko.
111 Remarks on the life and Journal of Applied Mathematics and
research of Roland L.Dobrushin Stochastic Analisis, V 9, N 4,337-
372,1996, together with E.A.Pechers-
ky and Yu.M. Suhov
112 A quantum crystal model Rew. of Math. Phys. V12,N7 981-1032, 2000,
in the light mass limit: Gibbs together A.Verbeure, V.A. Zagrebnov
113. Lower branches of spectrum Trudy Mosk. Mat. Ob-va (russian)
of Hamiltonian of infinite quan- v. 60, p.259-302, 1999, together with
tum systems with compact space of E.A.Zhizhina and Yu.Kondratiev.
114 Almost-sure central limit theo- Markov Processes and Related
rem for model of random walk in fluctu- Fields, v4,n3,381-394,1998 together
ating random environment. with M.S.Barnabei, C.Boldrighini,
A. Pellegrinotti.
115.Random walk in a fluctuating random Advanced Sov. Math. Ams. Vol 98. 2000. P. 13-35
environment with Markov evolution. together with Boldrighini, A Pellegrinotti.
116. On the spectrum of the generator of Commun.Math. Phys (together with
an infinite system of interacting diffusions. Yu.Suhov), 1999,v.206,n2, 463-489.
117.A quantum crystal with multidimensional Journal of Stat, Phys.
anharmonic oscillators. (together with W.Faris),
118.Spectral analysis of the disorder together with S.Albeverio,
stochastic 1-D Ising model E.Scacciatelli, E.Zhizhina
priprint Bibos, University
Bielefel'd, n811/6/98
119. Gibbs states on space-time together with S.Roelly,H.
Zessin, Pub.Irma,Lille 1998,
vol.46,n 7,
Potential Analysis 13, 367-408,
120. The lower spectral branch of together with N.Angelescu,
the generator of the stochastic dynamics V.A.Zagrebnov, in: AMS Vol. 198,
for the classical Heisenberg model. 2000, 1-11
121.Exponential mixing for classical together with Yu.G.Kondratiev,
continuous systems. M.Rockner,G.V.Shchepan'uk,
CMS, Proceedings of conf.
in honor of S.Albeverio
vol 28., 243-254,2000
122.Uniqueness problem for quantum together with S.Albeverio, Yu.G.
lattice system with compact spins. Kondratiev, G.V.Shchepan'uk,
Letters in Math. Phys. 52,
184-195, 2000
123.One-particle branch of spectrum together with N.Angelescu,
of Hamiltonian of lattice weak-coup- V.A. Zagrebnov,
ling field with values on two-dimen- J.Math.Phys. v.41, 1-23,
sional sphere 2000
124.The "corpuscular stucture" of In Math.Phys. 2000
the spectra of operators describing Imperial College Press
large systems. 151-169, 2000
125.One-and two-particle branches CMS. Proceedings of conf.
of spectrum of "many components" in honor of S.Albeverio
operators. Vol.28, 271-182,2000
126. Ground state euclidean measures together with S.Albeverio,
for quantum lattice systems on compact Yu.G. Kondratiev, G.V.
manifolds Shchepanuk.
Report on Math.Phys.
vol.45,N 3, 419-429,
127. Directed polymers in Markov random together with C. Boldrighini,
media. A.Pellegrinotti, submitted in
Markov Processes and Related
128. Cental limit theorem for random together with C.Boldrighini,
walk indynamical environment: integral A. Pellegrinotti, submitted
and local. in Ukranien Journal on
probability theory
129 Almost-sure central limit theorem together with C.Boldrighini,
for a random walk in dynamical envipon- A. Pellegrinotti, prepare to
ment with larg stochasticity publication.
130. About uniqueness of the Gibbs together with E.Pechersky,
state for a quantum anharmonic cry- V. Zagrebnov, prepere to
stal. Publication.
131. Gibbs measures for Brownian together with J. Lorinczi,
path under the effect of an external submitted in J. Stat. Phys.
and small pair potential.
132. The infrared behavior in Nelson together with J. Lorinczi,
model of a quantum particle coupled H.Spohn, submitted in
to a massless scalar field. Annals of Inst. of H. Poin-
133.Ground state properties of the together with V.Betz,F. Hiro-
Nelson Hamiltonian-A Gibbs mea- shima,J.Lorinczi, H.Spohn.
sure-based approach.
134 Infrared regular representation together with J.Lorinczi, H
of the three dimensional massless Spohn, submitted in Letters
Nelson model in Math. Phys.
135. About invariant subspases together with E. Zhizhina
of transfer-matricses (?) prepare to publication
Chief of Dobrushin Mathematical
Laboratory of IITP RAS,
R.Minlos 02.11.2000